
PyDictionary is a project that I used as an introduction to the idea of databases and working with data, this prepared me for more complex data analysis project. The objective of this solution is to be able to give back some info about a word inputted by the user. I have also implemented the Wikipedia API for python.

How does it work?

This is a brief summary of my solution’s functions:

  • STARTER: A function that grabs the user input
  • DECODER: A function that “decodes it”, meaning it finds out if the user wrote it in capital letters on purpose or if the user misspelt the word by accident or if any other accidental errors occurred and after “decoding” the word it looks it up in the database and sends back the info.
  • CLOSER: A “closer” function to ask if you want to look up another word in our dictionary or if you want to stop.
  • WIKIPEDIA_SEARCH: A function that looks up the word in with Wikipedia API for python is the user has asked so.
Flowchart of processes

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